Monday, December 22, 2008

...And still, happy holidays!

Well, it was NOT clear enough to go out tonight...21st birthday party canceled! Dx But I sledded with my friends, built an igloo, had a snowball fight, ate tamales, and am having a couple of close friends over tonight for wine and a cheesy movie. :)

Still, it's unclear whether or not they can even make it through the neighborhood to my house! We are up to 14 inches in the Portland suburbs...a Biblical storm for us mild city folk. xD The news is literally covering the "snow crisis" 24/7.

I've been drawing about half of my waking hours during the big snow-in. Here's a preview of a piece from last month I've been trying to finish coloring.

A Room of One's Own is still on the desk, as are a couple of unfinished illustrations and the script for a little 12-page story.

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