Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I was browsing Periscope Studio's site just now, and saw a link to a review of Aaron McConnell's The United States Constitution (written by Jonathan Hennessey). The site has a video preview of the book that I started watching, and I threw a miniature fit in the middle because SOMETHING I DREW IS ACTUALLY IN IT.

The project is really cool--Jonathan and Aaron set out to embody the spirit (and the facts of course) of the drafting of the Constitution in a graphic novel. The project does a great job of connecting past and present with examples of what bills referred to in the 1800s, the present day, and every time in between. There are great metaphors and symbols in the artwork (I especially like the political figures with representative buildings for their heads). It was very cool to be in the studio while Aaron was working on it.

I helped on a handful of pages when I interned at Periscope this summer, and one particularly memorable page involved intricate pipework symbolizing the route a bill takes from one legislative body to another. Aaron let me do whatever I felt like on the actual penciling and inking of the pipes, and I was extremely overambitious...to the point that it took 2 days to finish the panel!! xD I got teased for that...But hey, it looks pretty good edited and colored in that half second clip! WORTHWHILE. 8D

Omgsh way too excited about that. (It's at second 15~ 8D)


Natalie Nourigat said...

ROFL. Suggestions? I'm not a pro. :P

Jamie S. Rich said...

I don't see why you're not now a pro, having done professional work. If nothing else, I think you could just delete the word "amateur."

Golly, was it really 4:30 in the morning when I posted?

Steve Lieber said...

When they got to that part of the trailer, I think half the people in the studio said: "Hey, Natalie's pipe page!"