4 new
Between Gears pages today! And I drew 2 more as a warm-up today. :D I think I'll do the same thing I did last summer: draw as many as I can during the week and update every Monday morning. 68 leeeeeeeeft.
I feel like a
machine lately. Not only have I been churning out page after page, day after day, but I'm managing to fit in tons of fun/social things as well. Please let me keep this up!
And please make my neighbors shut up, because this machine runs partially on sleep. >:-/ They have been bad lately. Partying late, and being loud early. Today I woke up at 5:30 to what sounded like hammering (but couldn't possibly have been--who is that dumb?!). I make lemonade when I have to...so today I was at the studio by 7...but I would like to be able to sleep regular hours. X(