Tuesday, September 29, 2009

100% reason to remember the name

It's coming~~~! I still don't have Photoshop working (tech nightmare...don't make me type it out...), but I'm still toning the new Between Gears pages, slowly, by mouse. So get excited!

Oh, and funny story, the heavy line on the bottom left of this lady's sweatshirt was an accident--I dropped the brush pen! It left this thick, wavy line, and I changed her outfit to accommodate it. :P

Sunday, September 27, 2009

We make a pair of parentheses

For the longest time, I have not been able to keep these 3 men straight, but I swear I am going to train myself to recognize them correctly:

Joshua Jackson

Gerard Butler

Liev Schreiber


Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'd be love and sweetness if I had you

Every year I miss 24 Hour Comics Day, but this year I forgive myself, because I'm actually taking a 4-hour art seminar that day on visual journaling. How perfect is that?

But for anyone else interested, I hope you can participate! It looks really fun...I wanna do it next year!!

Ugh, watching waaaay too much TV on Hulu and drawing at my desk. 3 entire pages down today, and about 5 hours of The Office, Community, SNL, 30 Rock, Bones, and Dollhouse down as well.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tell me why you're staring

Wonder Woman Day is coming up, and the Lara Sydney Gallery in Portland is hosting a show with several of the donated pieces from the WWD charity auction. Mine has been chosen as one (bottom left of the promo card!), and I just thought I'd let y'all know in case you happen to live in Portland or will be there over the month of October. :)
Also, if you are interested in buying any of the donated pieces, I'm told that the ones at the gallery will have a "buy now" price, so they might not make it to the silent auction, let alone the online auction. If you have your heart set on one, make sure to go to the show opening on October 1st!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't believe in anything that you can't break

I updated Between Gears tonight with 3 new pages. I need to simplify...those pages take longer than they should for a page-a-day schedule...

Exciting news: my piece for the Wonder Woman Day 4 charitable auction was chosen to be in the Lara Sydney Gallery in Portland this month! There will be a reception on First Thursday (October 1) if anyone wants to go see it. Many of the contributing artists will be there to talk about their work and socialize (I wish I could go, but I need to be here). I believe pieces in the gallery will have a "buy now" price on site, and will go up for silent auction on the 25th if they are not bought (and then go to an online auction if they aren't bought on the 25th).
Also, organizer Andy Mangels called to give me details, and mentioned that one of the charities that WWD benefits used my art on their newsletter this month!!! I am so excited that it's of use to the charity at all, let alone appearing in other places!

Work Week started yesterday! 9-5 training in the name of Pi Phi. <3 I'm actually loving the social warm-up and getting to know the new members.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In my happy home I barely breathe

I move down to school tomorrow! Miraculously, my mom and I found a mattress, bed frame, shelving, and a coat rack in the last 24 hours. I've been doing laundry, packing, and cleaning house all of today, and I'm excited to trade spaces.
Tomorrow will be an early drive, hours of assembly, grocery shopping, cooking, and then hours of organizing. I'll post photos once things are presentable.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

That girl's a genius

Brenda Hickey, a friend I met on Wirepop.com (she does In The Air...you can see our guest page trades here and here), just posted a blog entry with tons of Delilah fanart! I'm kind of in love right now <3 It's cool to see a character of mine drawn in Brenda's great style.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Réponds à ma tendresse, réponds à ma tendresse

Just 2 days until Movin' Day! It makes me extremely uncomfortable that I still do not own a bed, mattress, or any shelving. x___x

In 3 days, I have an appointment for a haircut and color with Ivy, a stylist I am so happy to have found early on in my college career. I've given her quite a bit of business over 3 years. Somehow, she takes my wishy-washy instructions and gives me something age-appropriate, flattering, and easy to style EVERY TIME! Best part? She charges $30 for a haircut. She gets us college kids so well. <3

I wasn't going to be able to afford a haircut for another few months, but Mom is paying for this one! She thinks I need a new look, and I agree. I like change, and I've been annoyed by the maintenance that comes with having very long hair. Mine is wavy (even curly in places), and I haven't been putting in the effort it takes to style it to its full advantage. I love long hair, and I may come back to it in a few years, but I need a break.

The only things that scare me about short hair are 1) bad hair days (which happen with all lengths, but are not curable by ponytail when you have short hair) and 2) headband crimping when I need it out of my face for art.
I've had it all, though...short of shaving my head or dying outside of natural colors. It's all good as long as you don't get too attached to your hair. It's just an accessory, and there's no point in having it if you don't have fun with it.

What I'm thinking for Friday:

It's hard to look at a photo and ignore the lighting, makeup, pose, etc., but I like these haircuts. I'm thinking something around chin-length, with heavy layering, feathered, and very short in the back. It'll be nice to shave my blow-drying to a lean 5 minutes <3

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

There's a sky that's changing

Finished this piece to blow off steam last night after finishing the acrylic painting commission. I'm really sick for the third day in a row, but at least art is something I can do from home.

Current new laptop dilemma: I can't find the driver installation CD for my tablet...No digital editing 'til I either dig it up out of nowhere or can convince tech to send me a new one.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I think it's strange you never knew

Just because uploading photos on the new laptop is so easy~~~

Working on an acrylic portrait this weekend. Kind of a strange commission, but with a sweet back story. I really want to do it well, but acrylic...! She is not my medium!

Molly and I had a bakefest last week~ The cinnamon roll at the top is king of the other cinnamon rolls.

And Whiskers, the 17-year-old family cat, sleeping on an unlikely pillow.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I've got no reason for the state I'm in

Posting this from my new laptop, woohoo! Set up all the basic settings + internet today, hope to get through installing my software and transferring all of my files over this weekend. Usually my dad does this for me and lets me watch, but while he's in the hospital I might as well implement what I've learned. Let's hope I don't fuck up too badly :P

I finished putting together a story proposal earlier this week. It feels great to clear that off the table for a while. On my plate now: 15-page comic commission, acrylic portrait, 5-page anthology story. It never ends, and I wouldn't want it to~

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Now I see the world as an ancient place as a smiling face

Dad is recovering from his surgery, thank goodness <3

The new laptop came today!!! I will try loading it up with software and files this weekend.

On to editing, toning, and lettering some pages~

I was born to love a distant land and a rising sun

There are so many groups named Boa, it's not fair. From what I gather, there's a Boa, bôa, BoA, and BOA...and possibly more. The one that sings Fool is bôa.

This one.

Not this one (although she's cool, too).